Competition Cheer
*Show Teams, Novice Cheer, Half Year Cheer, All Star Teams​
*Practices are one day a week and two days a week for elite teams.
*Team practices include a tumbling class.
*Show Teams, Novice cheer, and Half Year Cheer are $80-$100 Monthly
*All Star Prep or Rec: $120 Monthly
*All Star Elite: $140 Monthly
*Competitive cheer teams practice year round.
*Competition fees and guidelines can be found in the contract.

Tumbling Classes & Tumbling Toddlers
​ Tumbling classes will teach your child how to tumble safely with confidence. We offer all levels of classes from beginner to advanced. These classes will be a combination of group coaching and one-on-one. We have experienced coaches that are focused on correct progressions, results and teaching correctly. OCC's tumbling students are very successful in a short amount of time and we've never had a student that couldn't learn to tumble.
*Intro to Tumbling: $50 Monthly
*Beginner- Advanced Classes: $65 Monthly
*Tumbling Toddlers and Mommy & Me (6 week sessions)

Private Coaching & Stunt Class
Private lessons give athletes extra one on one attention to improve technique and tumbling skills. Lessons can also prepare students for school or college tryouts. The private lesson contract is under the gym info tab.
Stunt class is for our students to work on balance, flexibility, and confidence. Stunt class is for all star athletes only.